Contact the Public Works Department at (530) 865-1610 24/7, City Hall 815 Fourth Street Monday thru Friday from 9AM to 5PM or by email to State the address and or where the leak or water waste is present.
If there is a blockage in your sewer service line between your approved City cleanout (near the street) and the main line, the City will unplug the line. If the plug is between the cleanout and your home, it is your responsibility to unplug the line. Please contact (530) 865-1610 to report a plugged sewer.
Public Works is responsible for replacing or repairing City streets signs. Please contact (530) 865-1610 to report a missing or damaged sign.
The City’s green waste dump site has closed indefinitely. Your greenwaste can be taken to the Glenn County Solid Waste Disposal Site at County Road 33, Artois.
Public Works contracts with the State to maintain traffic signals. All City street lights are maintained by Pacific Gas & Electric. Please contact (530) 865-1610 to report any problems. Please provide a location and pole number for street lights to facilitate repairs.
City streets are swept once every two weeks. The City maintains a regular street sweeping schedule. If you would like to know when your street will be swept, please call (530) 865-1610.
Public Works has compiled water pressure information throughout the City. Please call (530) 865-1610 to obtain the water pressure for your area.
Public Works, Street Maintenance Section, is responsible for repairing potholes on City streets. Please contact (530) 865-1610 to report a pothole. If the problem is on State Route 32/Walker Street, contact CalTrans and submit a maintenance service request.
Please contact Public Works at (530) 865-1610 if you have concerns regarding the taste of your City water.
Contractors are required to provide dust control at their construction sites. Should there be a problem with dust from a construction site, please contact the Planning Department, at (530) 865-1608.
Waste Management is responsible for replacing all garbage cans and recycling bins. They can be reached at (530) 865-4712.