Meeting Location: Arts Center (732 4th Street)
Commission Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM
The Arts Commission consists of seven members, four of whom shall be individuals who work or are involved in the arts. The functions of the arts commission include advising the City Council on proposed funding for various community arts organizations, proposed funding for community art projects, assisting in the site selection of community art projects, reviewing and making recommendations on the technical and aesthetic aspects of proposed community artwork, organizing competitions for artistic works in public places, implementing the goals, objectives and policies of an arts master plan when adopted by the City Council and to perform such other advisory duties pertaining to public art as the City Council from time to time may require.
Commission Members: Rae Turnbull, Jim Scribner, Mary Rose Kennedy, Steve Elliott, Jill Elliott, Patricia Turnbull and Mason Greeley
Staff support: Leticia Espinosa
Council Liaison: Terrie Barr; Alternate: Matt Romano
Meeting Location: Carnegie Center (912 3rd Street)
Commission Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 4:00 PM
The Economic Development Commission consists of five members who are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. All reasonable attempts are made to select at least one member from the Orland Area Chamber of Commerce and one from the local financial community.
The Commission advises the City Council on issues related to facilitating, acting upon and developing strategies and tactics to retain and expand existing businesses and attract new businesses, expressing a commitment to growth within the area of the City, recommending legislation and policies that will implement and further the objective of local economic growth.
Commission Members: Ron Lane, Dee Dee Jackson, Tiffany Schulps, Sam Ilian, and Amy Raymondo.
Staff: Pete Carr, City Manager; Jennifer Schmitke, Staff Support
Council Liaison: John McDermott; Alternate: Terrie Barr
Meeting Location: Library Meeting Room (333 Mill Street)
Commission Meets on the 2nd Monday every other month at 5:00 PM (Jan, Mar,May, Jul, Sept, Nov)
The Library Commission consists of four members, who are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
The Commission advises the City Council on issues related to preparing, reporting to and necessarily reflecting upon the operations of the Orland Public Library, recommending legislation that will implement and further the goals, necessities and purposes of the Orland Public Library, assisting the City Librarian in preparing the annual library budget, assisting the City Librarian in developing and prioritizing library objectives, and, recommending and suggesting procedures for the orderly operation of the library.
Commission Members: Sherry Romano, E. Ann Butler, Mary Ann Deeming, Dick Jolley and Mary Viegas.
Staff: Jody Meza, Librarian
Council Liaison: Brandon Smith; Alternate: JC Tolle
Meeting Location: Carnegie Center (912 3rd Street)
Commission Meets on the 4th Wednesday every other month at 5:00 PM (Jan, Mar,May, Jul, Sept, Nov) at 6:00 PM
The Parks and Recreation Commission consists of five members, who are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
The Commission advises the City Council on issues related to planning, improving, supervising and maintaining present and proposed parks and playgrounds, encourage, foster, facilitate, establish and maintain a systematized program of recreational activities to be made available to the residents and visitors of the city.
Commission Members: Jason Ovitz, Karen Baldridge, Shannan Ovard, Joser Rosales and Larry Carmona.
Staff:Olivia Henderson, Recreation Manager
Council Liaison: Brandon Smith; Alternate: Matt Romano
Meeting Location: Carnegie Center (912 3rd Street)
Commission Meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 5:30 PM
The Planning Commission consists of five members, who are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. Membership will consist of a majority of members residing within the city limits of the city of Orland, and the remaining members to reside within the 95963 postal zip code area. The applicants are interviewed by a panel consisting of the City Manager, City Planner, the City Engineer, and a member of the City Council and make a recommendation to the mayor and council.
The Commission advises the City Council on issues related to, developing and maintaining a comprehensive long-term general plan that meets requirements of state law; developing and maintaining such specific and area plans as may be necessary or desirable to assist in implementing the general plan; administering the City’s zoning and subdivision ordinances and recommending revisions when deemed desirable; street names for all proposed new streets and name changes for any existing streets; and the Commission will review and act on applications for development approval where provided in the City zoning and subdivision ordinances.
Commission Members: Wade Elliott, Sharon Lazorko, Stephen Nordbye, Vern Montague and Alex Enriquez.
Staff: Scott Friend, Contract City Planner; Jennifer Schmitke, Staff Support
Council Liaison: Terrie Barr; Alternate: John McDermott
Meeting Location: Carnegie Center (912 3rd Street)
Commission Meets on the 2nd Thursday every other month at 5:00 PM (Feb, Apr,Jun, Aug,Oct,Dec) at 4:00 PM
The Public Works and Safety Commission acts as an advisory committee to the City Council regarding a variety of safety issues. It provides a public forum for citizens to voice ideas and concerns affecting public safety, traffic and pedestrian issues, including Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Services. The Commission strives to raise public awareness, suggest improvements, and encourage educational forums and safety programs.
The Commission advises the City Council on issues related to prioritization of short-term and long-range construction projects to be completed by public works crews or by contract, review development standards for streets and related infrastructure, review construction cost estimates for public works crews to complete private construction projects, approve assessment of charges to reimburse the city for use of public works crews to complete emergency projects on private property, review and comment on recommended list of projects to be completed with outside funding such as Local Transportation Development Act funds, grant funds, etc., recommend projects for consideration that may have no present funding source, and review construction related projects for utilities operated by the city.
If you have suggestions for the commission regarding ideas, needs, concerns or improvements, print out this form, complete it, and either mail it or drop it by the police department or City Hall at 815/817 Fourth Street, Orland CA 95963. You may also fill out this online form and submit to any Commission member. Public meetings will be held monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly. The agenda will be posted at City Hall.
Commission Members: James Paschall Sr., Byron Denton, Monica Rossman, Emil Cavagnolo and David Kelly.
Staff: Joe Vlach, Chief of Police; Justin Chaney, Fire Chief; Zach Barber, Director of Public Works and Meagan Mondragon, Staff Support
Council Liaison: JC Tolle; Alternate: Brandon Smith