City Council

The Council meets twice a month for their regular meetings on the first and third Tuesdays. Their meetings will held at Glenn Success Square in the conference center, 131 E Walker Street, Orland starting at 6:30 P.M. Agendas and minutes can be found on the Minutes and Agendas page. There is a time for public comment on every agenda but forms about City services and facilities are welcomed by the City Manager at City Hall, 815 Fourth Street, Orland; (530) 865-1603 at any time. The City Manager promptly investigates and equitably resolves complaints. Council member’s emails and phone numbers are listed below. If you wish to send a message to all Council members, contact Jennifer Schmitke, City Clerk.


Mayor Chris Dobbs                                   Vice Mayor Mathew “Matt” Romano    Councilmember Jeffrey A. Tolley                   
(530) 520-7994                                          (617) 335-3617                                         (530) 514-4395

Term: Dec 2020-Dec 2024                      Term: Dec 2022-Dec 2026                      Term: Dec 2020-Dec 2024


Councilmember John McDermott        Councilmember Bruce T. Roundy                     
(530) 321-3737                                        (530) 228-5264

Term: Dec 2022-Dec 2026                    Term: Dec 2020-Dec 2024